Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Loadouts Airsoft Shadow Company

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Loadouts Airsoft Shadow Company

The subject of this article appeared in Soap's Journal The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty Online The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered This article was previously featured

For the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare system, see Shadow Company (2019).
"Shadow Company is a different breed. No more vodka-drunk Ultranationalists. They're trained like we are."
— John "Soap" MacTavish

Shadow Company is an elite underground unit of private military contractors nether the direct command of Full general Shepherd that appears every bit the chief enemy faction for the terminal missions in the campaign of Telephone call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and in one Special Ops mission, "Snatch & Grab". All members of the unit of measurement are extremely loyal to General Shepherd to the point where they assisted him in his plans to beguile Task Forcefulness 141. The Shadow Company return equally a multiplayer faction in Telephone call of Duty Online.


  • i Campaign
  • ii Known Members/Units
    • 2.1 Command and Command Units
    • two.ii Footing Units
    • 2.three Aviation Units
    • 2.4 Unknown Unit type/Possible Units
  • 3 Known Members
  • iv Armory
    • Assault Rifles
    • 4.2 Machine Guns
    • 4.three Sub-automobile Guns and Auto Pistols
    • 4.4 Shotguns
    • iv.5 Handguns
    • 4.6 Grenades
    • 4.7 Launchers
    • 4.8 Others
    • 4.nine Sniper Rifles
    • four.10 Vehicles
    • 4.11 Equipment
  • five Battle chatter
    • 5.ane Friendly burn down
    • 5.2 Target acquisition/call out
    • v.three Moving target
    • v.4 Random battle chatter
    • 5.v Throwing grenade
    • 5.6 Grenade alert
    • five.7 Target down
    • 5.8 Reloading
    • 5.9 Attack orders
    • 5.ten Moving
    • 5.eleven Casualties
    • five.12 Target acknowledgement (In response to another soldier calling out a target)
    • 5.13 Target out of sight
    • 5.14 General acknowledgement
    • 5.15 Detecting the actor during a stealth section
    • 5.16 RPG alert
    • 5.17 Explosion detected during a stealth section
    • 5.18 Torso constitute during a stealth section
    • v.19 False alarm during a stealth department
    • 5.20 Suspicion angry during a stealth section
  • 6 Radio chatter
  • 7 Character Models
    • 7.i Head models
    • 7.2 Uniform and load bearing equipment models
  • 8 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  • 9 Call of Duty: Online
  • 10 Gallery
    • 10.1 Phone call of Duty: Modern Warfare ii
    • 10.2 Telephone call of Duty: Mod Warfare 2 Entrada Remastered
  • 11 Trivia
  • 12 References


Shadow Company makes its first confirmed advent in Loose Ends, in the Caucasus Mountains almost the Georgian-Russian border, securing the landing zone that Roach and Ghost must get to, who have downloaded a DSM containing vital intelligence on Makarov. They are briefly shown as allies, until their leader, Shepherd, betrays Roach and Ghost and kills them. A few soldiers aid Shepherd become rid of the bodies by pouring petrol on them and lighting it on burn down with Shepherd's cigar.

Their next appearance is in The Enemy of My Enemy, at the U.Due south. Vehicle Disposal Chiliad 437 in Eastern Afghanistan, fighting Makarov's Inner Circle. They effort to impale Soap and Price, but fail. The upshot of their battle with the Russians is not direct shown, merely it is unsaid that they were victorious.

Their last appearances are in But Like Old Times and Endgame, when Soap and Price infiltrate Site Hotel Bravo, their command base, coming for Shepherd's life. They are at outset unaware of Soap and Toll's presence until their patrols gradually go missing due to the infiltration.

They once more neglect to stop Soap and Cost, leading to Shepherd attempting to escape on a Zodiac. Cost, while successfully preventing the rogue commander'southward escape by downing his helicopter, goes over a waterfall with Soap. A long and drastic fistfight ensues between a weary Captain Price and General Shepherd. It just ends when Soap, stabbed past Shepherd and heavily wounded, removes the knife from his injury and expertly throws information technology through Shepherd's left eye, killing him and leaving the future of Shadow Company in question. The group is not mentioned through the remainder of the Modern Warfare storyline.

Still, despite their complete loyalty towards him, Shepherd holds little regard for their lives and considers them all to exist ultimately expendable. During Just Like Onetime Times, Shepherd orders Excalibur to phone call in a danger-close artillery strike on Site Hotel Bravo, killing an unknown number of his own men in a failed try to also kill Lather and Cost.

Known Members/Units

Command and Control Units

  • Gold Eagle - Full general Shepherd, Commanding Officer.
  • Oxide - Communications officeholder, possibly second in control.
  • Excalibur - Artillery commander.

Basis Units

Disciple - Patrol for Site Hotel Bravo.

  • Disciple one - Unit in Site Hotel Bravo
    • Alpha Chemical element - Part of Disciple i that is patrolling the riverbed
  • Disciple 2 - Unit in Site Hotel Bravo
    • Bravo Element - Part of Disciple 2 that stopped their patrol because of the sandstorm.
  • Disciple 3
  • Disciple iv
    • Zulu Element - 6 homo patrol east along the Canyon, Northward side admission route with 2 German language Shepherds. (Beginning grouping to be eliminated by Price and Soap)
  • Disciple five - 2 men guarding the cave archway overlooking the river.
  • Disciple 6 - Unit in Site Hotel Bravo
    • Foxtrot Element - Section of Disciple 6 that breaches the steam room
  • Disciple 9 - Unit on the catwalks outside the caves.

Butcher - Patrol for Site Hotel Bravo.

  • Butcher i - Unit of measurement in the open expanse of Site Hotel Bravo (where Excalibur fires upon with target package Romeo)
    • Butcher one-5 - element of Butcher one that rendezvous with Shepherd and escorts him to the Zodiacs
  • Butcher ii - Fast ropes from Black Hawks into sector Papa Quebec.
  • Butcher three
  • Butcher v - Unit within the command room, prepares the sabotage charges.
    • Butcher 5 Actual - Commander of Butcher 5, heard over radio talking to Oxide well-nigh a severed detonator cord
  • Butcher 7 - Searches for Disciple five.
    • Vinson - Element of Butcher Seven.
    • Lambert - Chemical element of Butcher Seven.

Funfair - Patrol for Site Hotel Bravo.

  • Carnival 1
  • Carnival three

Aviation Units

  • Avatar - MQ-1 Predator UAV operators
    • Avatar 1 - UAV operator.
    • Avatar 2 - UAV Predator Drone
  • Warhorse 5-ane - MH-53 Pave Low helicopter.
  • Thunder Two-I - AH-6 Little Bird helicopter that protected Ghost and Roach from Ultranationalists in "Loose Ends".
  • Scaler 3 - Unknown blazon of helicopter on patrol.

Unknown Unit of measurement blazon/Possible Units

  • Mongoose ii - Possible helicopter or basis unit of measurement, cannot exist determined.
  • Mongoose 1, iii, 4 etc.
  • Disciple 7 and 8.
  • Butcher 4, half dozen and 9
  • Funfair ii, iv to 9
  • Warhorse v-2 and 5-iii, as ii MH-53s can exist seen at the end of "Loose Ends". Although it is likely 1 of these is 5-1.
  • Scaler 1, 2, iv etc., well-nigh likely helicopter units judging from radio chatter.
  • Thunder 2-2 etc.
  • Kestrel 3-2 - Nearly probable MH-6 Little Birds assigned to assist Butcher One-Five to escort Shepherd to the LZ, whilst Shepherd tells Kestrel iii-2 to hold position when Lather and Cost arrive to endeavour and stop him. Kestrel iii-2 are probably the Lilliputian Bird choppers seen throughout Endgame, as Shepherd demands Avatar One to order danger close air strikes, forth with UAV support.
  • Unidentified RPG Teams - Mentioned in radio chatter equally trying to stop Toll and MacTavish.

Known Members

  • Shepherd
  • Avatar 1
  • Oxide
  • Excalibur
  • Vinson
  • Lambert
  • Kestrel 3-2


Shadow Company concept art.

Shadow Company soldiers are heavily armed, highly trained and extremely dangerous. Their selection of weapons consists of modern weapons, with the ACR and SCAR as their primaries. Their weapons of choice are similar to those of Task Force 141 and the U.Southward. Ground forces Rangers. Their arsenal includes:

Set on Rifles

  • ACR
  • SCAR-H
  • AUG
  • M4A1

Motorcar Guns

  • M240
  • MG4
  • RPD

Sub-automobile Guns and Motorcar Pistols

  • MP5K
  • UMP45
  • TMP
  • Vector
  • G18
  • P90


  • M1014
  • AA-12
  • SPAS-12
  • Underbarrel Shotgun


  • M9
  • .44 Magnum (used past Shepherd)
  • M1911 (Seen only in "Loose Ends")
  • Desert Eagle
  • USP .45


  • M67 Grenade
  • Flashbang
  • Smoke Grenade (On character models)


  • AT4
  • RPG-seven
  • M203


  • Riot Shield
  • Combat Knife
  • Dogs

Sniper Rifles

  • WA2000
  • Intervention


Shadow Company has a multifariousness of vehicles, well-nigh of them used by the U.S. armed forces. These include:

  • Technical / Pick up truck (x10), Up-armored SUV (x9)
  • UAZ-469 (x3)
  • M1026 HMMWV (x3, Unlimited on cliff road)
  • M1A1 Abrams (Unlimited on cliff road)
  • M2A2 Bradley (Unlimited on cliff road)
  • UH-60 Black Hawk (x4)
  • MH-53 Pave Low (x3)
  • AH-half dozen Little Bird (x17)
  • MH-6 Piffling Bird (x5)
  • Zodiac (x15)
  • MQ-1 Predator (x2)
  • F-15 Eagle (x2)
  • CH-46 Sea Knight (x2)


Soldiers of this unit are distinguished past their black combat uniforms, with both a U.S. flag and a spade symbol patch being worn on either arm, and tan SDS BAE releasable trunk armor vests, and past wearing Pro-Tec bump helmets with balaclavas and tactical goggles, with dark vision goggles occasionally being worn every bit well; they also have various other equipment such as magazines pouches, grenades, etc. (Run across the Character Models department below)

Boxing chatter

Friendly fire

  • "Cheque your fire!"
  • "Hey, check your burn!"
  • "Watch your fire!"
  • "Friendly fire! Friendly fire!"

Target conquering/call out

  • "Target acquired!"
  • "Got eyes on target!"
  • "Got a visual!"
  • "I have a target!"
  • "I got optics on target!"
  • "I have a visual!"

Moving target

  • "I got movement!"
  • "Movement!"
  • "I come across movement!"
  • "I got a runner!"
  • "Got a footmobile, he's Oscar Mike!"
  • "Enemy footmobile, Oscar Mike!"
  • "They're Oscar Mike!"
  • "Target is Oscar Mike!" [Alternatively; "Target is on the move!"]

Random boxing chatter

  • "These guys are armored up! Locate TWs[?] and aim for headshots!"
  • "They're following the SAS handbook, keep them in check!"
  • "Keep pushing around their flanks, these guys are predictable!"
  • "Stay frosty, keep information technology professional. Headshots only."
  • "I've killed harder targets than these guys, stay in formation!"
  • "Disciple Iii, flank through sector Charlie Zulu."
  • "I've seen these tactics earlier, these guys are SAS!"
  • "Pick your spots, these guys know how to shoot!"
  • "Watch your sectors, maintain burn down discipline."
  • "Headshots pay double, go along your shots high and tight!"
  • "Maintain aggressive posture, stay in visual contact with the target!"
  • "Allow'due south get, let's become! Stay on the offensive!" [Alternatively; "Let's get, allow'due south go! Stay on the offensive, men!"]
  • "Recon, get!"
  • "Weapons gratuitous, Charlie team motion to intercept!"
  • "Alpha team, fall back to rally bespeak Jester!"
  • "Hostiles accept penetrated deep into the complex. End with extreme prejudice!" [While role of the random battlechatter, this item line merely makes in the context of "Only Like Old Times"]
  • "I've got eyes on target, engaging full-auto."
  • "Diazepam'southward boot in, I'm steady downrange."

Throwing grenade

  • "Frag out!" [Three variations are used]

Grenade warning

  • "Grenade!" [Six variations are used]
  • "Grenade, move!" [Two variations are used]
  • "Grenade, become outta in that location!" [Two variations are used]

Target down

  • "Tango downwardly!" [Ii variations are used]
  • "Got him!"
  • "Target neutralized!" [2 variations are used]


  • "I'g out!" [Two variations are used]
  • "Changing mag!" [Two variations are used]
  • "Loading!" [Ii variations are used]
  • "Cover me!" [Three variations are used]

Attack orders

  • "Suppressing fire!"
  • "Have 'em out!"
  • "Light 'em up!"
  • "Take 'em downward!"


  • "Moving."
  • "Moving!"
  • "I'm moving."
  • "I'm moving!"


  • "Man down!" [Two variations are used]
  • "We got a man downwardly!" [Two variations are used]
  • "Got a man downward!" [Two variations are used]

Target acknowledgement (In response to another soldier calling out a target)

  • "Roger that, I see him!"
  • "Copy, target caused!"
  • "Roger, I see him!"
  • "Roger, target acquired!"

Target out of sight

  • "I can't go a shot!"
  • "I don't have a shot!"
  • "Tin't become a shot, he's out of my line of sight!"

General acknowledgement

  • "Re-create!" [Two variations are used]
  • "Copy that!" [Two variations are used]
  • "Roger!" [2 variations are used]
  • "Roger that!" [Ii variations are used]

Detecting the player during a stealth section

  • "Enemy sighted, requesting backup!"
    • "Understood, we're on our fashion!"
  • "Nosotros have an intruder, sound the alarm!"
    • "Reinforcements are enroute!"
  • "Security breach! Lock down all exits, transport reinforcements!"
    • "Nosotros're sending assistance right now!"
  • "Nosotros have a security breach! I demand backup!"
    • We're sending reinforcements to your position!"
  • "I have the enemy in sight!"
    • We're coming to you, stand by!"
  • "I run into the intruder, he's armed!"
    • "Help is on the way, continue 'em busy!"
  • "Drop your weapon, drib it at present!" [Addressed to the player]
    • "Message received, nosotros are sending reinforcements immediately!"
  • "Get your hands up, do it at present!" [Addressed to the thespian]

RPG warning

  • "Await out! RPG!"
  • "RPG!" [Iv variations are used]
  • "R-P-G!" [Ii variations are used]

Explosion detected during a stealth section

  • "What the hell was that?"
  • "We have a state of affairs hither."
  • Check it out, go, go!"
  • There's been an explosion, move!"
  • I heard it, I'g on my way!"

Body constitute during a stealth section

  • "We accept a human being down! Search the perimeter!"
  • "He'south dead! Lock downwardly all the exits, do it at present!" [Alternatively; "He's dead! Lock downwardly all exits, practice it now!"]
  • "Man downward! Spread out and search the area!"
  • "I plant a body! Look for an intruder!"

False alarm during a stealth department

  • "Never mind. I'm resuming my patrol."
  • "Zip found over here. Resuming patrol."
  • "Information technology was nothing, I'm returning to my post."
  • "I didn't observe anything, merely stay alert."
  • "Nothing to report, go on your eyes open for intruders."
  • "Information technology was nothing. Stay vigilant." [Alternatively; "Information technology was nothing, but stay frosty." or "Information technology was nothing, but stay vigilant."]
  • "It's all clear. I'1000 resuming my patrol."
  • "All articulate. Picket your sectors for any suspicious activity."

Suspicion aroused during a stealth section

  • "What was that, someone there?" [Alternatively; "Huh? What was that, is someone in that location?"]
  • "Wait, we may have a problem here, stand by."
  • "I recollect we may have an intruder, stand by."
  • "Wait, think I meet something." [Alternatively; "Wait, I think I see something."]
  • "Huh, who's in that location?"
  • "What was that noise?"
  • "I heard something, stand up by."
  • "Think I saw something, stand by." [Alternatively; "I remember I saw something, stand up by."]
  • "Hey, someone there?" [Alternatively; "Hey, is someone there?"]

Radio chatter

(Annotation, any quotes in assuming are from General Shepherd)

  • "Become ahead Alpha?"
  • "River bed all clear, over."
  • "Bravo?"
  • "Sandstorm, non much to meet correct now, over..."
  • "Zulu?"
  • "...uh, we're starting our patrol eastward along the coulee, due north side access route, over."
  • "Disciple Four, Oxide, what's your status, over? Disciple 4, Oxide, exercise you copy, over? Hey I'm not getting anything from Disciple Four at the northward ridge road. Could be a bad transmitter."
  • "Butcher 7, Oxide, we've lost contact with Disciple 5. Probably just the sandstorm that'south rollin' in or a bad transmitter. Ship a team to check information technology out, over. Roger that Oxide. I'll send Vinson and Lambert. Butcher Seven out."
  • "Disciple Six, nosotros've lost all contact with Disciple 5. Bank check information technology out, over."
  • "Roger that Oxide, we're on the catwalk heading to the steam room, standby."
  • "Disciple Half dozen, become night! Breach and clear!"
  • "Door charge planted, fix to alienation!"
  • "Hit it."
  • "Breaching, breaching! Foxtrot Chemical element, sweep left. Search design Repeat Charlie. Go. Door area clear. Check your corners. They're hither, open fire! Stay frosty' chase 'em down."
  • "Disciple Ix, your rearguard just flatlined! Not possible, we just cleared that surface area. Nobody's that good Oxi-."
  • "It's Price. Fill-in priority items and burn the rest. Burn teams only delay 'em until we're gear up to pull out."
  • "Oxide, Avatar One, we have unauthorized personnel on the catwalk. I echo, we have unauthorized personnel on the catwalk. Y'all gettin' this?"
  • "Oxide, Disciple Nine. Nosotros have hostile contact appropriately fifty meters from the nest, over."
  • "All personnel, exist advised: we have two enemy foot-mobiles on the catwalk heading to the crow's nest. Cease with farthermost prejudice."
  • "Butcher One-Five, rendezvous at the nest and prepare to escort Gold Hawkeye to the LZ."
  • "Butcher 2 roping into sector Papa Quebec!"
  • "Oxide, Butcher Five-Actual, I've got a severed det cord. Nosotros're gonna need x mikes to go the body rigged and the EBC primed, over."
  • "Negative. Golden Eagle wants those charges hot in less then three mikes. Get information technology done. Out."
  • '"All units be advised, this is Gold Eagle. The site has been compromised. I am executing Directive One-Ane-Vi Bravo. If your still inside, your service will be honored. Shepherd out. "
  • "Excalibur, this is Gilt Hawkeye. Fire mission - Target Parcel Romeo - danger close!"
  • "That'due south inside a hundred meters of your position, sir!"
  • "That'south not a suggestion! Ship information technology."
  • "Roger. Fire mission danger close."
  • "Sir, sandstorm activeness is picking upwardly here. Information technology'south too risky for flying ops."
  • "Understood, caput for the tunnel, we'll take the Zodiacs."
  • "Yep sir!"

Graphic symbol Models

Assault rifle, machine gun, and shotgun character models.

Caput models

All Shadow Visitor soldiers are depicted equally having a Caucasian skin tone and as wearing black balaclavas. Almost soldiers volition wear crash-land helmets which are either grey with black ballistic goggles pulled up or olive drab/khaki with similarly coloured ballistic goggles worn over the confront and night vision goggles mounted to the helmet; there are also various detail differences (such as the olive/khaki helmet having a correct-hand-side helmet low-cal), but both models do take American flag patches on either side of the helmet, a left-manus-side light module, and a headset worn nether the helmet for communications and/or hearing protection. Soldiers with riot shields will wear a standard military helmet in black with a protective visor.

Uniform and load bearing equipment models

All Shadow Company soldiers are depicted as wearing a black compatible with each arm begetting a US flag patch and a spade symbol patch, a coyote dark-brown trunk armour vest with blackness MOLLE strips (load bearing equipment is also coloured this way), coyote dark-brown gainsay gloves with black fingertips and difficult knuckles, coyote chocolate-brown kneepads, and black boots.

If the soldier is using an attack burglarize, the character model has three rifle magazine pouches on the lower left of the chest, a MOLLE panel with three pistol magazine pouches on the upper left of the chest, four utility pouches (three on the right-hand-side, one on the left-manus-side), a radio pouch on the lower left of the back with a cable leading to a push-to-talk module on the upper left of the breast, a hydration float on the dorsum with the drinking tube leading to a pouch on the upper right of the chest, two chemlight sticks on the upper correct of the breast, and a coyote dark-brown polymer drop holster on the correct thigh.

If the soldier is using a submachine gun or a sniper rifle, the character model has a breast rig consisting of several open-peak submachine gun mag pouches (with two road flares or chemlight sticks and 3 pistol mag pouches being fastened directly to these), three horizontal magazine pouches on the upper chest, loose flashbangs and smoke grenades on the lower left-paw-side, a Special Air Service-blazon gas mask on the lower left-hand-side, a radio pouch on the lower left of the back with a cable leading to a push-to-talk module on the upper chest pouches, a roll of cable or rope and three modest pouches on the lower right-hand-side, and a coyote brown textile driblet holster on the right thigh.

If the soldier is using a shotgun, the grapheme model has a breast rig consisting of iii pouches with shotgun shells beingness carried in external loops (as well as additional shotgun shells on the right shoulder and on a cross-diagonal strap), a carabiner with a tape coil, loose fume grenades on the lower left-paw-side, various pouches on the lower left-paw-side and back (including a radio pouch with a cablevision leading to a push-to-talk module on the upper left of the chest), a big curlicue of cablevision or rope on the lower right-hand-side, and a tan polymer drop holster on the right thigh with an additional pistol magazine holder.

If the soldier is using a machine gun or a launcher, the character model has a chest rig with two large armament pouches on the lower left of the chest, i large armament pouch and two smaller ammunition pouches on the lower right of the chest, a coyote dark-brown groin protector, a radio pouch on the upper left of the back with a cable leading to a push button-to-talk module on the upper left of the chest, ii smaller ammunition pouches on the lower left-manus-side, loose fragmentation grenades on the lower correct-hand-side, and a black polymer drop holster on the correct thigh.

If the soldier is using a riot shield, the character model has an additional body armour vest in urban camouflage, additional arm protection, a black groin protector, a battle chugalug in urban camouflage with loose smoke grenades on the left-mitt-side, several utility pouches on the lower left- and right-manus-sides, a radio pouch on the upper right of the back with a cable leading to a pouch on the additional body armour belong, and a black polymer drop holster on the right thigh. Uniquely, the grapheme model has a black body armour belong, black gloves with grayness fingertips, and black kneepads compared to these beingness in coyote chocolate-brown with some blackness detailing when worn by other Shadow Company soldiers.

Telephone call of Duty: Modernistic Warfare 3

Shadow Visitor does not appear in Call of Duty: Modernistic Warfare 3, but their logo can exist seen throughout the campaign on various crates and containers, implying involvement exterior of what can be seen in Mod Warfare 2. Besides, their logo can be seen on a crate in Spec Ops mission "Stay Abrupt".

Call of Duty: Online

Shadow Visitor makes a re-advent in Call of Duty: Online as a mercenary faction pitted against Chore Force 141 in all PvP game modes.

Instead of wearing all black, the soldiers have white tops and blackness trousers. They are commanded past Winston Harker instead of General Shepherd.


Phone call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered


  • While Shadow Company'south status as private military contractors is non straight stated in the original Mod Warfare ii (outside of voice lines where individual soldiers mention payment), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered's version of "Museum" features proper informational signs for each exhibit; the sign for the "Only Like One-time Times"/"Endgame" exhibit explicitly describes Shadow Company as existence an elite unit of private armed forces contractors.
    • The sign also describes Shadow Visitor as covertly manipulating global events "to an uncertain calendar, without charter or regard for legal, governmental or nationalistic boundaries" and as being involved in forceful suppression of legal political protests and affecting the outcome of third world elections through bump-off.
  • The phrase written on the emblem, "Umbra Catervae", is roughly "Shadow Group" in Latin.
  • The Shadow Company "chess piece" emblem can be obtained in Multiplayer by completing the "Tango Down" challenge.
  • On the license plates of Shadow Company's up-armored SUVs, information technology is written "G 2009IW4 5". 2009 is the game'southward year and IW4 is the engine for the game.
  • In "Just Like Old Times", if a player waits and listens to the grouping of Shadow Company soldiers in the cave, a conversation can be heard where a Shadow Visitor member and his team killed three "left over" Russians, for beingness aggressive after breaching Site Hotel Bravo's perimeter.
  • Most ACRs used past Shadow Visitor have Digital Camouflage on them. 1 can likewise acquire a unique ACR with Heartbeat Sensor, Cerise Dot Sight and Silencer with a "black" cease at the steam room in "Just Similar Onetime Times".
  • Shadow Company snipers [the frontmost i on the helicopter demote], armed with WA2000s and seen in "Loose Ends"/"Only Like Old Times ", utilise the SMG soldier model.
  • If one were to view the helmets of Shadow Company there will be a name, but it is e'er "HOLT".
    • The _names.gsc file for Modern Warfare two which deals with randomly generated soldier naming contains three names under a Shadow Company heading, these being "Lecter", "Lestat", and "Nosferatu", though these do not appear to be used in ingame battlechatter.


Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Loadouts Airsoft Shadow Company

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